Are stuck thoughts or excessive anxiety wreaking havoc on your wonderfulbeautifulamazingimpressive life?
Do recurring, unwelcome, intrusive thoughts keep popping up, affecting every part of your day?
Are you worrying about many things all the time?
Is it exhausting just trying to appear normal?
Do you have a constant feeling of dread?
Are you feeling like you are a burden to others?

Although your suffering may be great, your ability to change this experience is within your grasp!
Are you ready to embrace uncertainty, make peace with your thoughts and change your life?
I know it sounds daunting, but you can do this!
Do you feel like no one understands what you are going through?
Often, friends & family have a hard time understanding what you are experiencing and may tell you to “just get over it” or “just relax”.
You, too, may not understand what is happening, which can be frightening!
Excessive anxiety or intrusive thoughts can interfere with your daily life and keep you from achieving your goals and aspirations.
I will help you understand what is happening and how to live the life you deserve.
The method to feel better is simple (in theory), but it will require some dedicated practice.
It takes 14 to 17 years on average for people to receive an OCD diagnosis. Once connected to appropriate treatment, the majority of people with OCD will benefit from therapy, medicine, or a combination of both.
-the International OCD Foundation
Imagine being free of frightening thoughts, and enjoying life the way it was meant to be!

Here’s what happens next…
Let’s connect for a free 20-minute consultation
This will give us a chance to discuss your goals & desires and how working together could help you achieve them. We’ll meet virtually, just as we would in regular therapy sessions, so you can see what it will be like.
We’ll decide to move forward
Hopefully, we both agree we would work well together! In that case, I’ll gather a few more details and we’ll set up the first appointment.
or I’ll help you connect to someone else
It’s totally OK if we decide this is not the right fit. In that case, I’ll help you connect with someone else or brainstorm about your current needs.